Ravish Tiwari Scholarship
for Excellence

We are currently gathering funds to setup the Scholarship
in order to provide financial aid to outstanding students from humble beginnings.

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About Ravish Tiwari

Ravish Tiwari began his education at the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya in Basti, Uttar Pradesh before earning dual degrees in metallurgy and materials science at IIT-Bombay. However, his passion for the fundamental questions of society and politics led him to switch to the field of social science and attend the University of Oxford as one of the six Rhodes Scholars in 2005. He returned to India in 2006 to join The Indian Express and spent 15 years in journalism before passing away in 2022 after a two-year battle with colon cancer.

The Scholarship

The Ravish Tiwari Scholarship for Excellence was established in 2022 at IIT-Bombay to provide merit-based financial assistance to students in need. The scholarship aims to create opportunities for deserving students from disadvantaged backgrounds and encourage their academic success. Set up in memory of Ravish Tiwari, a journalist known for his in-depth stories and analyses of political events and social issues, the scholarship is a fitting way to honor his legacy and support future generations in pursuing their passions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Concerns about the project? We can Help!

  • I am outside India and USA, will I get Tax Benefits?

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Contact the Volunteers

This is an unofficial page maintained by close friends and batchmates, we're here to answer any questions. For any queries, mail us here: info@ravishtiwarischolarship.org